Karapan Sapi

The origin of the cow kerapan Several versions are also there. The first version says kerapan That cow has existed since the 14th century. At That time kerapan cows used to spread the religion of Islam by a kyai named Pratanu. That while another version says the cow was created by Adi kerapan Poday, namely children's ruling Panembahan Wlingi Sapudi area in the 14th century. Adi Poday a long wander in Madura bring his experience in the field of agriculture to the island Sapudi, so That agriculture on the island to be developed. One technique to speed up the cultivation of agricultural land That Is taught by Adi Polay is to use a cow. Over time, many WHO Because Farmers use cow Their power to till the fields at the same time, there arose Their intention to Compete with each other in the finish. And, finally the race to work on the field it Becomes a kind of sport racing race Called kerapan sapi.
Various Kinds of Kerapan CowThat characterizes Kerapan Madurese cow is composed of Several Kinds Actually, namely:1. Often Keni (kerapan small)This type only Kerapan Participants Attended by people from one district or kewedanaan or still in one village alone. In this category the distance That must be taken only 110 meters long and is Followed by That small cows have not been Trained. While decisive victory, in Addition to speed, too straight, or whether the cow Pls running. For cows That can win races, to follow a higher kerapan That Is Often king again.
2. Often the King (kerapan large)The race also is Often Referred to Generally Often this country are held in the capital city on Sunday. Long-racing track about 120 meters and its members are the champions Often Keni.
3. Often Onjangan (kerapan invitation)Often onjangan the the which is a special race its Participants are invited from a district. Kerapan is usually held to commemorate Certain holidays.
4. Often Karesidenen (kerapan level of residency)This is a great Kerapan kerapan Followed by frequent champions of the four districts in Madura. Often held in the City Pamekasan residency on Sunday, the the which is the top event to end the season kerapan.
5. Often jar-lesson (kerapan exercise)Kerapan jar kerapan-lesson is done only to train the cows down on the race before the actual race.

Some Equipment That Is Important in cattle kerapan kaleles and pangonong, "pangangguy and rarenggan" (clothing and jewelry), "rokong" (a tool to cow for a surprise sprint). In kerapan cows do not miss the "saronen" (the instrument of driving kerapan). Device consists of saronen, drums, kenong, kempul krecek and gongs.
The road gamesThe day before the race done, partner and owner of cattle and a number of relatives staying in a tent That Is placed in the field. Do not forget the party enlivened by a traditional music group Sronen WHO paraded before the cow couples competed. Even the traditional services, the resource persons were the resource persons required to be Carried karapan cow. The "enthusiasts" Kerapan Cows do it all for the sake of a prestige, or prestige is indeed a unique character Madurese
Before kerapan started an all-beef Often paraded onto the field. This opportunity is not only used to relax the calf muscles, is also an arena to show off the beauty of the clothes and Ornaments of the cows That Will be contested. After the parade finished, clothes and all the decoration That was opened. Only clothing That does not interfere with body movement cows are still left attached.
After that, started the first race to determine the standings of participants. As in the football game, in this round the Participants Will set the strategy to be Able to enter the race cows into "top" for the next round (allowance), can Compete with cattle races of the group "under the board."
Next is the first preliminary round, second, third and fourth or final round. In this preliminary round, the game uses knockout. In other words, the cows That Had lost the race, no longer be eligible to Participate in the next round match. Meanwhile, for the cow That race was declared the winner, Will be confronted again with the winner of another match. And so on until only one player always wins the final of the WHO and Become the champion.
Cultural valuesGames kerapan cow if Examined in depth contains the values the the which in turn can be used as a reference in public life. The values are: hard work, cooperation, competition, order and sportsmanship.
The value of hard work is reflected in the training process beef, Became a cow so amazing race (strong and agile). To Make a cow like that required patience Certainly, Perseverance and hard work. Without it impossible for a cow complaint to show prowess in the arena kerapan cow.
The value of cooperation is reflected in the game Itself. Games kerapan beef, as already Mentioned at the top, is an activity That involves many parties. The parties were the resource persons the resource persons to each other need each other. To That end, cooperation is required in accordance with the position and role of each. Kerapan impossible without it the game can be established with a good cow.
The value of competition is reflected in the arena kerapan cow. Competition by Koentjaraningrat (2003: 187) are Efforts That aim to exceed the Efforts of others in society. In this context the Participants kerapan game try cow cow race Such a Way That can run fast and beat the cow race opponent as expected. Therefore, each striving for the cow can do that best. So, Among Participants Compete in this.
Order value is reflected in the cow kerapan Itself game. Any games, including kerapan cow, the order is always Necessary. This order is not only shown by the Participants, but also the spectators WHO made the the which follow the rules. With the Participants patiently waiting for the cow race That created the races. Meanwhile, the audience also abide by the rules and regulations. They are not making trouble, or actions That in turn can Disrupt or derail the course of the game.
And, the value of sportsmanship is reflected not only the attitude of the players Who Do not Cheat During the game, but also willing to accept defeat gracefully.
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