11 April 2011

Art Ludruk, East Java Special Artistry. Indonesia

Art Ludruk

Art Analysis
1. LudrukThe word comes from the word ludruk (Java language). The word was categorized into meaningful levels of language ngoko badhut 'buffoonery'. The word also means jembek ludruk, sag, gluprut, clowns, and folk theater.The results Suripan Hutomo Sadi, According to the dictionary Woordenboek javanansch Nederduitssch Gencke and T Roorda's work (1847), Ludruk means Grappermaker or comedian or badhut (Java language). Another source states ludruk means female dancers and comedians meaning in the work Poerwadarminta WJS, BPE Literature (1930). Meanwhile, According to S. Wojowasito (1984) That the word already known by the public badhut east Java since the year 760 AD in the kingdom with its king-Gajayana Kanjuruhan Malang, a dance artist WHO left the memories of the temple Badhut.ludruk is the art of traditional drama of East Java. Ludruk initially emerged from the folk art 'made by', the which is usually staged in the field and watched a lot of people.

Ludruk That is a traditional drama was exhibited by a group of art the which played on stage by taking the stories of everyday people's lives, stories of struggle and others are interspersed with jokes and accompanied by the gamelan as a musical.Dialogue / Monologue in ludruk are entertaining and the make the audience laugh, using language typical of Surabaya, although Sometimes there are guest stars from other areas Such as Jombang, Malang, Madura, Madiun with a different accent. That straightforward language is used in ludruk, making him easily absorbed by the non-intellect. Dialogue in ludruk Surabaya Dialect in general use, while ludruk in Probolinggo district, Lumajang, and Jember Madurese language.
2. History of Art LudrukIn 1994, the group stayed around 14 ludruk group only. They play in the rural villages' That do not have electricity at the rate of USD $ 350. This group is supported by 50-60 players. Their income is very minimal, namely: Rp 1500 s / d 2500 per night. When the show deserted, was forced to take the cash money to be Able to eat in the village.When James L Peacok (1963-1964) held in Singapore ludruk study, there were the resource persons group 594. According to the provincial Department of Education orphans, after the Year 1980
Increased to 789 group (84/85), 771 group (85/86), 621 group (86/87) and 525 (8788). Suwito HS, artists from Malang ludruk say no more than 500 group Because many members of the group, the which has a membership of up to five groups.Ludruk not formed for granted, but experienced a long metamorphosis. We do not have sufficient data to reconstruct Such a long time, but Hendricus Supriyanto try to set on the basis of resource persons Who Are still alive until 1988, that ludruk as folk theater began in 1907, by Sir Santik from Ceweng village, Jombang district District teased.Starting from the arts tour containing simple lyric poetry and Wasps, pack Santik friends with Mr and Mr Pono. Amir Traveled from village to village. Pak Pono wearing women's clothes and face makeup painted graffiti to Appear funny. From where the audience gave birth to the word. Wong Iorek .. Due to variations in language, the word turned into a word Lerok Iorek.
3. Besud Lerok Period (1920 - 1930)Art That comes from these ngamen audience acclaim. In the development That Is Often invited to fill the wedding party and other party people.Subsequent performances, ESPECIALLY in the event there are changes That are served. At the start of the event was held offering ceremony. The offering was a tribute to the four directions or four winds direction, then held performances. The main players wearing red hats Turkey, without or wear long-sleeved white shirt and black pants suits.Which eventually convert into lerok made lerok designation. • Lerok and Ludruk Period (1930-1945)Period lerok Besut thrives in 1920-1930, after That time many emerging ludruk in eastern Java. Ludruk own terms are more determined by the society That Divided the term has lerok. Name lerok and ludruk continue side by side since the appearance until 1955, Further supporting the community and artists to choose ludruk growing niche.In 1933, Cak Durasim Establish Ludruk Oraganizatie (LO). This is a pioneering Ludruk staging ludruk perform in a play and very well-known courage in criticizing Both the Dutch and the Japanese government.Ludruk at this time serves as an entertainment and lighting equipment to the people, by the player ludruk players are used to Convey the message the message preparation of Independence, with a peak due to the events of July July kidungan become a legend in the whole group Ludruk in Indonesia, namely: Bekupon Omahe Doro, Melok Nipon Soyo Sengsoro., cak Durasim and his friends were the resource persons arrested and imprisoned by the Japanese. • Ludruk Independence Period (1945-1965)Ludruk at this time serves as an entertainment and lighting equipment to the people, to Convey the message of development messages. In the period in the which famous Ludruk Marhaen, owned by the Communist Party of Indonesia .. Therefore not Surprising That the PKI (Indonesian Communist Party) was easily influenced people, where ludruk PKI is used as a funnel to do fundraising period for the purpose rebel. Actually Ludruk get a place in the people of East Java. There are two groups ludruk most famous are: Ludruk Marhaen and Ludruk Tresna Enggal. • Ludruk Period Post-G 30 S PKI (Indonesian Communist Party movements Rebellion 30 September 1965) Events G30S PKI really Brought disorder group Ludruk group ESPECIALLY Those Affiliated to the Institute of Folk Culture of the PKI.Vacuum Occurred the between 1965-1968. That CAME after the new policy regarding group ludruk group in East Java. Melting ludruk coordinated by the Armed Forces in this case DAM UB VIII of this melting process Occurred the between 1968-1970. In many areas, ludruk fostered by the Armed Forces, until 1975. Thereafter They returned to the group of independent artists ludruk until now.With the bitter experience never felt due to this art, not long ludruk below Appear as an overall figure of Art. At this time ludruk really a tool of entertainment. So the younger generation Who Do not go into history as a Group Will Recognize ludruk theatrical buffoonery. • New Order PeriodIn this period, ludruk returned to the show with his social criticism. But it is not about the old place, Because of tight government control on the arts, and community activities, art criticism at the government-smelling Tyranny began frozen. The theme of the story is limited, and show supervised. Up to bear reduced the ability of artists in developing art. 3. Ludruk in the modern eraToday the world community, including Indonesia, are Entered in the era of globalization. Globalization is a term That CAME about twenty years ago, and started so popular as a new ideology about ten years. As a term, globalization is so readily accepted or known to the public throughout the world.
4. The discourse of globalization as a process characterized by rapid development of science knowledge and technology so That Could he change the world fundamentally.The ability to change is an Important trait in human culture. Without That culture is not Able to adjust to changing circumstances. That changes occur this Pls Happened so fast. Only within one generation of many developing countries have been Trying to implement culture change, whereas in developed countries Such changes take place over Several generations.Symptoms are also prominent as a result of the globalization of information is a cultural change in traditional societies, namely the change from a closed society Becomes more open society, from the values ​​That are homogeneous to the pluralism of values ​​and social norms . Science and technology have changed the world fundamentally. Communications and international transport has removed the boundaries of each nation's culture. Each nation's culture tends to lead to globalization and a world That involves human civilization as a whole.Arts ludruk That until the 80-year PREVAIL still today in East Java began to fade. It seems a That the decline of traditional arts Such as puppets of Java and East Java ludruk by Various arts mass of cheap and easy to enjoy more and urged the rapid development of television broadcasting in the country. Now there are rarely members of the public perceive this art in a celebration of events and Their rituals. Ludruk staging rarely exist, except occasionally in TVRI RRI Surabaya and Surabaya.Climate reform of post-collapse of the New Order power was not also bring fresh water to the fate of art ludruk, as experienced by the majority of other traditional arts. Ludruk is one of the traditional performing arts Who Are Victims of changing Tastes in art and public taste of the kind of spectacle and entertainment.Ludruk dependence on Government During the New Order regime That freezes this art, led to reduced ability of adaptation to the development of artists ludruk era.
5. Level of interest in ludruk more and more rapidly declining. And regeneration experiencing congestion due to lack of interest in Becoming active inheritor of this art.In Such Situations there is no other option than to collaborate with the values ​​and symbols of Modernity and use the media close to the modern lifestyle. Among Them, is the medium of television. So, then can be witnessed ludruk topping performances on television stations Such as Ludruk Tjap Toegoe Heroes, Ludruk Glamour, Ludruk Hockey, Eastern Star, and so forth.However, impressions ludruk has changed faces. Ludruk is like a show of humor and jokes without meaning the package and on behalf of Himself 'ludruk'. Its contents are no longer stories about people's lives, but only contains the humor (although still has a way of story and theme), not much different from the 'Jula-July joke' thatin popularized Kartolo cs.Ludruk in the modern era is no longer Previously As We know it as 'conventional ludruk'. Conventional Ludruk displaced by the presence of ludruk ludruk the which can be regarded as 'ludruk contemporary'. With a theme That makes the grip and ludruk spirit in the form of resistance and social criticism Had been lost.The play-act in ludruk no longer picture the characters perform a Villager WHO homogeneous, as in ludruk made by a popular style in the 1930s. Increasingly heterogeneous society idealize Ludruk extra-village and village residents the make a laughing stock.In response, Henricus, a cultural observer has voiced his disappointment. "I saw ludruk already lost grip. Even the spirit of resistance and social criticism has been missing from ludruk. If people are not observant, They Might Consider something like that ludruk. Though not", he explained to voice his anxiety. Conventional art community are now beginning to be forgotten, people turn to ludruk modern (conventional ludruk) Considered the which was more in line with the times.The phenomenon of this change Occurred Because people have not much interested in performing traditional ludruk-stage, They prefer to see performances of modern ludruk wrapped in humor. Society's interest in modern art is yang6 ludrukfair, but it resulted in the rejection of conventional ludruk, and looked away toward the contemporary ludruk the which has far out of the grip ludruk original. In fact, the current conventional Actually ludruk already started to change without leaving the grip.Anyone WHO CRAVE the presence ludruk with authenticity must be prepared to be disappointed. The changes to the make ludruk ludruk always belong to someone else, no longer voicing the interests of common people.Therefore, serious Efforts are needed to preserve ludruk other than that, conventionally, one of the which is to Establish a forum for communities ludruk so That They can continue working. Where in the community have a common vision of Various parties, along with containers for ludruk community and Will be a force for artists ludruk to channel Their aspirations.In Addition, conservation can be done ludruk Efforts by planting artistic values ​​Among the younger generation and students as a way to foster Their interest in traditional arts. With the growing interest in the younger generation, regeneration of the tradition of artists and traditional art will of walking Will not die.2. Jula juli Ludruk jokes cak Kartolo Met at his residence, Kupang district, yesterday (26 / 8), Kartolo looks fresh. When asked how old he is, he's confused answer. If the ID card''written my birth year, 1947,''he said. However, Actually he was born in 1945. ''Understandably, there was no deed,''said the man with the mustache. Kartolo born in Pasuruan. At the age of three years, he moved to Surabaya Because of his father, (late) Aliman, working in a factory weaving Juwingan area. Three years later, Pls Died his father, he and his mother returned to the hometown. In Pasuruan reason, Kartolo began to Recognize art. Pls Precisely the sixth grade public school. Around the neighborhood, many players musicians. She began learning to play musical instruments musicians. "The first instrument I learned the xylophone," he said.From studying musicians, began to accompany ludruk Kartolo and Tayuban. Actually, not at all artistic blood flowing in the blood. ''My father was working in the weaving factory, my mother was a farmer,''he explained. Starting from the musicians, Kartolo then begin to learn to master the other arts. Including ludruk. In 1960, for the first time he had a gig with his group. Obtained satisfactory response. However, five years later, Pls erupted G-30-S/PKI, Kartolo stop. "Before it was banned," he said. In 1967, the active re Kartolo ngludruk to join the group Sipur Five Ludruk Dwikora. In 1969, he moved to Ludruk Gajah Mada. And so on. With economic considerations, he moved around, looking for groups WHO have a gig at a high. Until 1971, RRI Ludruk Kartolo join. He was there only three years. When deciding to marry her friend, Kastini, in 1974, Kartolo opt out of the group and be an artist "freelance". Introduction Kartolo with Kastini Itself Occurred around 1972. They are fellow players ludruk. Often paired as husband and wife, after a long time to grow seeds of Love Actually. After dating a year, They decided to get married. In 1976-1980, Kartolo re-joining a group Called Persada ludruk Malang. typical make-joke his name more skyrocketed. Until finally he got the offer of a recording tape. Start Kartolo Make ludruk tapes. Feeling still has potential, then Widen the lane Kartolo art of being a comedian. In total, until in 1995, already owns 95 Kartolo ludruk tape. However, do not imagine he's now just lounge inattentive enjoy royalties from the work That he is still frequently played on the radio. "Once That money runs out can record directly. There was no royalties," said the second of four brothers. Kartolo Himself did not think he Could have existed in the art world today. Until now he still accept the offer stage. Although not busy as always, in a month there must be People who invite. Kartolo felt no need to find another job. His life was fairly well off now completely supported by the profession as an artist. "I'm too in love with ludruk. Not want to trade or do anything else," he said. Currently, if you're not a gig schedule, Kartolo Spend more time playing with grandchildren, watching television, or sports badminton. "It's time to enjoy life," he said then smiled.

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