6 Juni 2011

Wayang Kulit

wayang kulit show
Wayang Kulit (performing arts buffalo leather puppets)
Wayang kulit is the traditional art of Indonesia, the which is Mainly developed in Java. Puppet comes from the word Ma Hyang means of god the mighty one. Shadow puppets played by a puppeteer Who is also the narrator's dialogue puppet figures, accompanied by gamelan (traditional musical instrument) music played by a group of nayaga and songs sung by the singer. Puppeteer (person in charge of moving the puppet behind the shadow play screen, the screen is made of white cloth, while the electric lights flashed behind him or oil lamp (blencong), so That the spectators WHO were the resource persons on the other side of the screen can see the shadow puppet That falls into the screen. In order to Understand the story of wayang (play), the audience must have knowledge of the characters That shadow puppets on the screen.

wayang kulit show
In general, the puppet takes the story from the Mahabharata and Ramayana manuscripts, but not be limited only by the grip (standard) is.Leather puppet show has been Recognized by UNESCO on November 7, 2003, as an amazing work culture in the field of narrative story and legacy of beautiful and Valuable (Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity). Shadow puppets are more popular in central and eastern Java, while the puppet show is more Often played in West Java.

wayang kulit show

  Puppet is one of the nation's arts and culture in Indonesia's most prominent Among many other cultural work. Culture puppets include acting, singing, music, speech arts, literary arts, painting, sculpture, and art is also symbolic. Culture of puppets, the which Continues to grow from time to time, also a lighting media, propaganda, education, entertainment, Philosophical understanding, and entertainment. According to the study of cultural Historians, this culture is a culture of wayang native to Indonesia, particularly in Java. While the existence of puppets has been for Centuries before the Hindus go to the island of Java. Although a popular puppet story in today's society is an adaptation of Indian literature, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The two main stories in puppet experienced many changes and additions to adapt Them to the original philosophy of Indonesia.

wayang kulit show
Adjustment of the concept of this philosophy is also about the Philosophical position of the deities of the Java community puppet. The gods in the puppet is no longer something That Is free from wrong, but like other creatures of God, Sometimes acting wrong, and can be a big mistake. The presence of puppet characters panakawan (friendship group) intentionally create a culture of Indonesia (Javanese culture be exact) to reinforce the concept of philosophy That the world is not a creature was really good, And that is really bad. Each creature is always bearing the elements of good and evil.
In his dissertation titled Bijdrage tot de Kennis van het Javaansche Tooneel (1897), the Dutch cultural Historian Dr GA.J. Hazeau indicated his belief That the puppet is the original performance of Java. Understanding the puppet in the dissertation of Dr.. walulang inukir Hazeau it (skin carved / a carved buffalo leather) and seen his shadow on the screen. Thus, the puppet in question Certainly is a shadow play as We know it today.
wayang kulit show
Regarding the origins of this puppet, in the world there are two opinions. First, the puppets That idea originated and was first born on the island of Java, precisely in East Java. This opinion is in Addition to adopted and raised by Researchers and experts in the countries of Indonesia, also a result of Western scholars. Among Western scholars belonging to this group, is Hazeau, Brandes, Kats, Rentse, and Kruyt.
The reason They are quite strong. Among other Things, that the art of puppet is still very closely related to the social and religious culture of Indonesian society, ESPECIALLY the Javanese. Panakawan, the most Important figures in a puppet, that Semar, Gareng, Petruk, Bagong, there are only puppets in Indonesia, and not in other countries. In Addition, names and technical terms are puppet shows, all from Java (Kuna), and no other language.
Meanwhile, a second opinion suspected puppets from India, the which Brought together with the Hindu religion to Indonesia. They include Pischel, Hidding, Krom, Poensen, geese, and Rassers. Most of this second group is the British scholar, WHO European countries have colonized India.
However, since the 1950s, puppet books as if he Had Agreed That the puppet CAME from Java Island, and in no way be imported from other countries.
Culture puppet was born in Indonesia is estimated at least During the reign of King Airlangga, king Kahuripan (976 -1012), Pls the kingdom in East Java, Prosperous, prosperity. Literary subject puppet stories have been written by the Poets of Indonesia, since the X century Among other Things, language literary texts Kakawin Book of Old Javanese Ramayana written in the reign of King Dyah Balitung (989-910), the which is a spin-off from the Book of the Ramayana written by Indian poet, Valmiki. Furthermore, the Javanese poet no longer just translating the Ramayana and the Mahabharata into Old Javanese language, but writing and retelling by entering into the philosophy of Java. For instance, professors work Kanwa Arjunawiwaha Kakawin, the which consists of berinduk on the Book of the Mahabharata. Compiled by another, more obvious differences the between versions of the original story derigan India, is Baratayuda Kakawin Sedah Panuluh work professor and professor. This great work done in the reign of King Jayabaya, king of Kediri (1130-1160).
Puppet shows and spectacles as already existed since the reign of King Airlangga. Some inscriptions are made at the time, others already Mentioned Among the words "mawayang 'and` aringgit' That means the which the puppet show.
wayang kulit show
About the birth culture of puppets, Ir. Sri Mulyono in his book The Symbolism and mysticism in the Puppet (1979), estimate the puppet has existed since the time of Neolithikum, the which is about 1.500 years before Christ. His opinion is based on the Writings of Robert von Heine-Geldern Ph D, Prehistoric Research in the Netherlands East Indies (1945) and Prof. writing. K.A.H. Hidding in Indonesia Encyclopedia page 987.
The word `puppet 'Probably derived from the word` wewayangan', the which means shadow. This conjecture is consistent with the fact Wayang Kulit performances using a screen, a piece of cloth, as a barrier the between the puppeteer WHO plays the puppet, and the audience behind the curtain. Viewers only see the movement through the shadow-puppet motion That falls on stretch fabric. At the time puppet show accompanied only by a simple set of gamelan (Javanese musical instruments society) the which consists of saron, Todung (a type of flute), and kemanak. other types of gamelan and a singer at the time was allegedly not yet exist. In order to more Quickly introduce a culture of wayang in Javanese society, since the early days of the Majapahit Kingdom introduced another puppet That story does not the parent was on the Book of the Ramayana and Mahabharata. Since then Panji story, the story of the Ancestors of the kings of Majapahit, is introduced as one form of another puppet. Panji stories are then more widely used for Wayang Beber performances. Popularize the tradition of wayang stories to the people of Java are also forwarded by some Islamic Clerics, Among Them by the Wali Sanga. They began an amazing story of the kings of Majapahit in the art of puppet, including Damarwulan story.
The entry of Islam into Indonesia since the 15th century also gave a big influence on the culture of puppets, ESPECIALLY on the concept of philosophy of religion That puppet. At the beginning of the 15th century, the kingdom of Demak Pls, began to use specially-shaped oil lamp blencong Called on the performance of Wayang Kulit.
</Since the days Kartasura, write a story That parent was puppet in Ramayana and Mahabharata increasingly distant from the original. Since then people know the genealogy enthusiasts with puppet puppet characters, including figures of gods, WHO CAME from the Prophet Adam. Genealogy That Continues until the Javanese kings. And then, began to be known also handles the doll story. the which follows the stories, and puppet storyline carangan outside the standard. In Addition, there is more drama Called Splinter, the which is too far out of the clutches of the story.
Indeed, Because the art of puppet is so firmly rooted in Indonesian culture, so there is some confusion the between the wayang stories, historical Legends, and. If India thinks That the story of the Mahabharata and Ramayana Actually Happened in his country, is Considered Javanese wayang story is really happening on the island of Java.

And in Itself Kulonprogo puppet is still in great demand by all circles. Not just by parents but also teenagers and even young children have also been unusual to see puppet shows. In Addition, the puppet is also commonly used in Certain events in the area of ​​Central Java Yogyakarta Kulonprogo this, either in urban or in remote areas in Wates Kulon Progo.
Shadow puppets made of buffalo leather That has been processed leather memjadi sheets, puppets apiece need about size 50 x 30 cm sheet of skin the which is then carved with the equipment used is made of iron spired good quality steel. Steel is made in advance in Various shapes and sizes, there is a sharp, flat, small, large and other forms each having different functions. But Basically, to set or create different shapes That deliberately carving holes through holes. Next step is the installation of body parts like hands, there are two connections on the hands, upper arms and elbows, how to dial with a small screw made of buffalo or cow horn. Stalk Whose function is to move the arm That black colored material is also made from buffalo horn and Generally golden color color paper using gold leaf That is affixed or can be by dibron, painted with a powder That melted. The puppets used prada, the result is much better, the color can last longer than a bront.

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